Welcome to Year 2!

By the end of Year Two our aim is for the children to be confident, enthusiastic learners, ready for Key Stage Two and the transition to the Junior School. Children are given more responsibility in every aspect of School life, with focus on our School Values and learn about their rights and responsibilities. They learn to care for the environment and to make the right choices to enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Topics such as ‘The Great & The Ghastly’, ‘Transport’ and ‘Amazing people, places and plates’ help to engage children in their learning and themed weeks such as ‘Book Week’ are fully participated in. Children are given many opportunities to develop their creativity within the curriculum.

End of Key Stage tests are completed during May and teacher assessment levels of attainment are passed on to parents and Year Three teachers. Each half term there is a home learning passport, with activities for children to complete at home and then share with the rest of the class at the end of each half term.

Highlights of the year include their educational day trip, which has been to ‘The London Eye’, ‘Brooklands Museum’ and a visit from Florence Nightingale.


On the days the children have PE, they will need to come to school dressed in their PE kits.

  • Elephant Class – TBC
  • Rhino Class – TBC