Weekly Update

2021-06-14T11:14:37+01:00May 28th, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, This week all of the children across the Federation and the Trust shared their Bright Futures Learning Trust projects with each other. In Reception, each class made their own special video to introduce themselves to their Bright Futures friends in Goldsworth and St John's Primary Schools. The children watched the [...]

Weekly Update

2021-05-24T10:23:09+01:00May 21st, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, In KS2 we continued our assembly theme of Respect this week and our focus looked at why it is important to respect and look after our personal belongings and take care of our resources, learning environments and shared spaces in school. We discussed how our choices and decisions can impact [...]

Weekly Update

2021-05-21T11:13:06+01:00May 15th, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, We have had a very exciting couple of weeks across the Federation and Trust. Last Monday, Mrs Kozlowski recorded a wonderful assembly for all of the children across the Trust to watch. She launched the new Trust name ‘Bright Futures Learning Trust’ and told us about the four priorities for [...]

Weekly Update

2021-05-21T11:05:44+01:00April 30th, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, It has been wonderful to see the children so engaged and happy whilst at school this week. We started the week by continuing to think about our Federation value of Respect. We examined how our actions and body language can demonstrate respect to those around us. We linked politeness and [...]

Weekly Update

2021-04-26T16:54:42+01:00April 23rd, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, I hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break and were able to have some time to rest and relax with family ahead of the start of the Summer Term. The children have returned to school with huge smiles on their faces and the weather has certainly put a [...]

Weekly Update

2021-04-26T16:44:29+01:00April 1st, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, The children have had a great last few days of the Spring Term and today we have all enjoyed dressing as our favourite Superheroes or in clothes that make us feel happy! The PTA mufti day has been a perfect way to celebrate the end of a successful term, where [...]

Weekly Update

2021-04-26T16:31:17+01:00March 26th, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, It has been another fantastic week across the Federation and one that has given us the opportunity to reflect and really look back at how far we have all come, personally, as a family, as a community and as a country. Thursday 23rd March was National Day of Reflection and [...]

Weekly Update

2021-04-26T16:21:58+01:00March 19th, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, It has been an action packed week and all of the children have continued to work extremely hard and have been impressing their teachers every day. The teachers have been extremely proud of their achievements and I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing some truly fantastic work. Our Assembly theme this week [...]

Weekly Update

2021-04-26T16:09:44+01:00March 12th, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, We cannot even begin to put into words how amazing it has been to welcome the children back this week. Walking around the school, hearing the laughter in the classrooms, children in the throes of their learning and them socialising with their friends and all of the staff has just [...]

Weekly Update

2021-04-26T15:56:33+01:00March 5th, 2021|Whole School News|

Dear Parents and Guardians, We are all prepared and ready to welcome all children back to school on Monday 8th March. I would like to thank all of the staff teams for their dedication, hard work and commitment over the last few weeks as they have worked to ensure that the children learning from [...]

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