Key Stage 2

At Knaphill School we strive to provide a high quality, exciting, inspiring and relevant science education, which encourages and enables our pupils to explore and discover the material world around them, sparking their curiosity, so that they develop a deeper understanding of our world and beyond.

Our science curriculum strives to:

  • Provide all children with the foundations that they need to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life.
  • Develop pupil’s scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific domains of biology, chemistry and physics, which they will build upon as they move throughout their school learning journey.
  • Immerse the children in scientific vocabulary, which aids their knowledge and understanding not only of the theme they are studying, but of the world around them.
  • Develop the pupil’s scientific skills through the key types of scientific enquiry: comparative/fair testing, problem solving, research, observation over time, pattern-seeking and identifying, grouping and classifying.
  • Encourage pupils to work scientifically through a hands-on, enquiry-based curriculum
  • Provide opportunities for the critical evaluation of evidence and clear explanation of scientific phenomena as well as opportunities to apply mathematical knowledge to the understanding of science, including collecting, presenting and analysing data, and taking measurements.

Our science curriculum is driven by our curriculum aims, as these bring our purpose of education to life. Therefore, decisions related to our science lessons will always be made considering these:

Living our Values– a curiosity of the material world around us, showing courage and resilience towards the choices that influence our decisions, the aspiration to achieve and shape their own future.
Community– the opportunity for all to experience the wonder and excitement that science offers and develop the confidence, knowledge and enthusiasm to build a better world.
Innovation– establish curiosity and wonder in science and technology with a desire to explore the vast world of science in school and beyond.

Our Vision for Science at Knaphill School

Science at Knaphill School is fun and engaging, with a high quality science education that provides all children with the foundations for understanding the world.

Children at Knaphill School will:

  • Demonstrate a love of science work and an interest in further study and work in this field.
  • Think independently and raise questions about working scientifically and the knowledge and skills that it brings.
  • Be confident and competent in the full range of practical skills, taking initiative in planning and carrying out science investigations/enquiries.
  • Have an understanding of the key domains of knowledge (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and will use key concepts to make links between the domains.
  • Retain knowledge that is pertinent to science with a real life context.
  • Be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge.
  • Be able to articulate their understanding of scientific concepts and be able to reason scientifically using rich vocabulary linked to science.
  • Demonstrate an ability to apply mathematical skills in their work, organising, recording and interpreting results.
  • Work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment.
  • Have an understanding of some of the major environmental and ethical issues our planet is facing and what they can do to help.

Subject Information