Key Stage 2

Our Vision for Mathematics at Knaphill School

Our vision for Mathematics at Knaphill School is based on providing every child with a high-quality Mathematics Education, which provides a foundation essential to everyday life and financial literacy skills needed for most forms of employment. We recognise that a rich Mathematics Curriculum enables children to understand our world; gain an appreciation of the beauty and the power of maths and have a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

We believe that teaching Mathematics is vital to developing children’s character as children are empowered to explore, develop their resilience, take risks, reason mathematically and solve problems with a growing level of confidence. We see reading as a core enabler of the maths curriculum and understand that, by developing children’s reading skills, they will have access to the breadth it offers.

All pupils need to be taught each aspect of Mathematics discretely as well as moving fluently between them in order to connect mathematical ideas. We provide pupils with a deep understanding of key concepts through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to ensure all pupils fully understand what they are learning. This depth of mathematical learning will create aspirational and curious learners who are able to apply their understanding; justify their reasoning; and have a thirst for further learning.

Subject Information