Our mission is to empower children to have a bright future.

Our school values drive everything we do as we believe that the purpose of education is to ensure everyone in our school community is able to flourish.


As a Federation, we are aiming to become values-based schools, as we believe that this transformative approach will prepare our children for life and empower them to have bright futures.

Our new values are:

· Courage

· Equality

· Curiosity

· Resilience

· Kindness

· Responsibility

· Honesty

· Aspiration

And at Knaphill Junior School

· Pride

· Respect

· Integrity

· Positivity

Our values will:

· Shape our school culture, the language we use, and how we approach behaviour.

· Underpin relationships across the school.

· Drive our curriculum.

· Provide children with a framework and vocabulary to understand how they think and behave.

· Help children to become global citizens in a rapidly changing world.

We have a focus value each month, which will be explored in assemblies, PSHE lessons, weekly updates (with our community) and home learning passport tasks. We also link our curriculum lessons to values, so that children are able to use these to approach everyday situations. For example, in a science lesson, children are taught how to approach their investigations with curiousity.