Lunchtimes at Knaphill Federation of Schools

Lunchtimes are an important part of the school day and provide opportunities for children to listen, interact and share in conversation with their friends, whilst enjoying their lunches. Lunch Supervisors work closely as a team to bring about efficiency and harmony and teaching staff join the children over the week to work alongside the supervisory staff to instil good manners and table etiquette.

Knaphill Lower School (Years R, 1 and 2)

Under Universal Infant Free School Meals, children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school hot lunch cooked in our kitchen and served by our Lunchtime Supervisory Staff.

Knaphill School (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)

Children at Knaphill School may have a hot lunch cooked in our kitchen or may choose to bring in a packed lunch from home.

All hot meals provided for children must be ordered and paid for in advance using our on-line payment system Arbor. The cost of a hot meal is £2.70 per day.

To top up your child’s account you can find this within the section where you have ordered your child’s lunches. The credit balance amount will go down as lunches are taken.

Hot Meals – Twelve15

All our hot meals are prepared by Twelve15 and they have been cooking good food in schools for over 70 years. They are on an incredible journey, taking all the good things from their amazing past, adding a sprinkle of culinary magic and transforming their catering offer.

Their Vision: We want to live in a world where our Planet is cared for and the People living on it have healthy bodies and minds.
