Promoting Good Attendance and Punctuality
Good attendance is a high priority with the Leadership Team at Knaphill Federation of Schools. We believe it is essential that children attend school regularly if they are to achieve their potential. Absence not only affect a child’s attainment but also their personal and social skills.
We will do all we can to encourage parents/ guardians to ensure that the children in their care achieve maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent this are identified and acted on promptly. Leave of absence can only be granted in exceptional circumstances and a request form must be completed. Please either download or request a copy from the school office.
Safeguarding is at the heart of our school and is incorporated in all we do as a school and children’s attendance is something that we monitor closely as part of this. We have thorough procedures that we follow when pupils transfer between schools and if a pupil moved to another school without warning or went ‘missing from education’.
In order for the school’s Attendance Policy to be successful, every member of staff will make attendance a high priority and convey this to the pupils at all times. We ask parents/guardians to support these views in the home to ensure that children are receiving consistent messages about the value of education.
As part of our aim to promote good attendance and punctuality, we encourage parents to have a look at “Every Day Counts” documents to see the importance of attendance.