Year 6
What happens in Year 6?
Year 6 is a very important year and children have the opportunity to take on some responsibilities throughout the year, as well as being positive role models for younger children. Some children are chosen to be House Prefects or Sports Leaders.
All the children in Year 6 have a buddy in Year 3 to help them settle into the routines of Knaphill School. This also helps the Year 6 children to develop mentoring skills.
As secondary school is approaching, we encourage the children to become more self-reliant and make their own decisions. They need to start to take more ownership and responsibility for their own learning and progress.
Many fun and exciting things happen in Year 6:
- In the summer term, the children take part in an Apprentice project and sell items they have made to children and parents. This teaches children about budgeting as well as profit and loss. The money raised is used to purchase either a leavers’ t-shirt or hoodie, for all children in Year 6.
- Near the end of the Year, children will perform in a Summer Production and take part in a leaver’s assembly to the whole school and their families.
Day to day guide
Children need their homework diaries, a reading book and pencil cases in school every day.
Please encourage your child to read for at least 10 minutes a day, and where possible, read and discuss texts with an adult on a regular basis. Children should record their reading in their homework diaries and they need to be signed by an adult at the end of each week.
All children are expected to read regularly in school and at home, recording their reading at least three times a week in their Homework Diary. In addition to regular reading, children should record new vocabulary which they have read. If your child does not understand the meaning of a word, please encourage them to look it up in a dictionary and to practise using the word in a sentence. Throughout each week, children are taught a range of spelling rules including how to use prefixes and suffixes. They practise these regularly at school.
This is set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Friday. Children’s times tables will be tested regularly and will be brought home stuck into a small note book for you to see. We would greatly appreciate your help in assisting your children with these skills – there are many ways to make learning these fun, for example: using Times Tables Rock Stars, songs, computer games, and flashcards.
Family Learning
In the Autumn Term, children learn about ‘A Time of Great Change (1712-1903)’ which includes the Industrial Revolution and the Victorians. In the Spring Term, children learn about the Sikh Empire including different types of governance as well as learning about the geographical features of the United Kingdom. In the Summer Term, children will be learning about ‘Unheard histories: Who should go on the banknote?’ This unit gives the opportunity for children to learn about a range of historically significant individuals such as Winston Churchill, Betty Boothroyd, Alan Turing and Mary Seacole.
There are a number of publishers who produce revision books, for example, CGP, Letts, Rising Stars, Schofield and Sims, which you will find useful in covering all the key areas tested. These books can be purchased in leading bookstores such as Waterstones and WH Smith as well as on Amazon.
In January, children go via public transport into Woking to watch the Winston Churchill School’s Production. This is always an extremely exciting and inspiring experience, which shows children what they could go on to achieve in the next few years of their education. This also provides an opportunity for children to learn how to use public transport safely, in preparation for secondary school.
In March, the children have the opportunity to go on a residential trip to Stone Farm in Devon. Within this exciting stay on a real, working farm, children also spend a day exploring the biomes of the Eden Project as well as Plymouth Aquarium (the largest aquarium in the U.K).
We discuss issues that may arise in Secondary School during PSHE lessons. Staff and teachers from Woking High and Winston Churchill come in and visit Knaphill School and meet the children and all the children have an opportunity to go on a transition day at the new secondary school in July. The Year 6 teachers also set a special family homework, which has a series of tasks to practise day-to-day skills such as doing up a school tie and remembering all the correct stationery for a week.
Letters & Information
On the days the children have PE, they will need to come to school dressed in their PE kits.
- Hazel – Tuesday and Friday.
- Cherry – Tuesday and Friday.
- Elder – Tuesday and Thursday.
Some children who cannot swim 25 metres will have swimming lessons in the Summer Term and will need their swimming kit on their swimming day. This will be confirmed before the Summer Term.